قانون مساحة الأسطوانة موضوع
الحل: باستخدام القانون؛ المساحة الكليّة لسطح الأسطوانة= 2 × مساحة القاعدة + المساحة الجانبية، نتبع الخطوات التالية: نحسب مساحة القاعدة: مساحة قاعدة الأسطوانة= π × نق². نجد نصف القطر: قطر ...
الحل: باستخدام القانون؛ المساحة الكليّة لسطح الأسطوانة= 2 × مساحة القاعدة + المساحة الجانبية، نتبع الخطوات التالية: نحسب مساحة القاعدة: مساحة قاعدة الأسطوانة= π × نق². نجد نصف القطر: قطر ...
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IY3120*. IBY154615 BY154615 * BY155037 * FT80992 formed 2100 ybp, TMRCA 1550 ybp info. id:YF084606 HUN. IFT76511 FT76511 * FGC12103 * FGC12109 +5 SNPs formed 2100 ybp, TMRCA 1450 ybp info. IFT76511*. id:YF064154 POL [PL18] i. IFT256359 FT256359 * FT83574 * Y215564 +1 SNPs formed 1450 ybp, TMRCA 1100 ybp info.
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There are a few samples in the eastern parts of Germany, one is an ancient sample from Krakauer Berg in SachsenAnhalt dating to about 600 years ago. Five of the six modern Balkanites descend from one man who lived 1250 years ago, IY177643. So it's possible that only two descendants of I2Y4882 migrated to the Balkans.
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The sample ERS is first SNP confirmed IPH908 archaeogenetic sample; the IY3120 was found in 1 sample according to preliminary DNA results from Early Medieval Poland ( CE); as well ICTS10228 and IY3120 subclades were confirmed in two Viking samples from Sweden (VK53) and Ukraine (VK542) with predominantly Slavic autosomal ...
I2aDinaric, subclade Y3120. Almost half of the I2aDinaric population is in Russia and Ukraine. The dinaric countries (former Yugoslavia) are 15%. In Western Europe, 5% of the I2aDinaric population lives, mainly Italy and Germany, as well as Belgium and Spain. The latter is probably the remains of Vandals migration.
Željko Musović. 2023, YDNA Haplogroup I2a1a2b (L621 ... CTS10228 Y3120) Ever since genetics "joined" history and archaeology, some 20 years ago, there has been a huge breakthrough in the study of the origin and development of various human populations. Genetic genealogy, haplogroups, STR markers, SNPs. have made the story much ...
الأسطوانة من المجسمات الإعتيادية, وهي أي مجسم يتشكل سطحه من جميع النقاط التي تبعد مسافة معينة عن قطعة مستقيمة معطاه تسمى محور الاسطوانة. في هذا الدرس نعطي وصفا و تعريفا للأسطوانة و نتعرف على قانون حساب حجمها و مساحتها ...
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You can only claim protoSlavic participation of IY3120 for its other three subclades, namely IZ17855, IY4460, and IS17250, and even this probably due to assimilation of IY3120. As for the autosomal aspect, you can easily explain absence of Celtic influence if you consider the evolution of IY3120 from a foundereffect perspective.